Monday, January 05, 2009


As some of you may know, I have recently been "Redacted from the Payroll" (i.e. laid-off). As the economy is in the tank, I am trying to mentally prepare myself for what might be a significant period of unemployment. I have come up with a set of rules to help me not go insane (and piss off the wife and drive everyone crazy). I'm looking for more advice from other people who have been through this to make it go as smoothly as possible.

So far, here are the rules:

  1. No Sleeping all day! I may not get up at 7AM, but I will be up by 9.
  2. Shower EVERY DAY!
  3. Shave at least 3 times a week.
  4. Work out every work day (M-F). I'm hoping this will burn off all the excess energy and annoyingness.
  5. Get dressed every day. That means outside clothes... not just PJs.
  6. Treat job searching like a job. Work on it every day.
Since most people in corporate America get laid off at least once in their career, I'm hoping for more advice from you as to how to best deal with the situation.



erin said...

Yes. Definitely shower and work out. Probably in reverse order.

Good luck on the job front, and enjoy your time with Sophie!

Anonymous said...

You must learn to stay patient and not get down when things arn't going well. And the most important thing I can tell you is, don't settle. Make sure you are taking a job you know you will enjoy. This is your chance to find a job and place you like. Sometimes when we get layed off it can create a sense of vunarability. We feel like we have to find another job right away, and that any job is better then no job. I had an offer with another company before I started or even interviewed at Javelin, but I got that feeling in my stomach that that wasn't the place for me. It took me turning down 2 jobs before landing what I really wanted. You seem to have a good plan, and something you are intrested in will come.


Rondo said...

Here's my advice: Enjoy your break and live off "the wife's" money for as long as you can. Make her get a second job at night (it's much easier for women to get a second job that it is for men). Sleep, play video games, surf the internet, sleep and whatever else you like to do for every second she is gone - except for 20 minutes before she leaves (besides first thing in the morning - stay asleep) and 20 minutes before she gets home. During these 20 minutes you will need to either seem busy or spend a little time cleaning up to make it seem like you've been busy. Do this for as long as you can until she say's, and means, she's going to kill you. There will be a few times when you can tell she is bluffing. You will know when she means it.

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